Periodontitis Treatment at Home - Best Periodontitis Treatment | Dental Pro 7

Periodontitis Treatment at Home - Best Periodontitis Treatment | ◄◄ ◄◄ Exclusive Discount Link Dental Pro 7
Periodontitis Treatment at Home - Best Periodontitis Treatment ◄◄ ◄◄ Exclusive Discount Link Dental Pro 7
Periodontitis Treatment at Home - Best Periodontitis Treatment

Healthy gums are strong and perfectly wrapped around the base of the teeth. A careful mouth hygiene, which includes daily brushing and flossing, helps prevent a gum disease, like gingivitis and periodontitis which affect 9 out of 10 persons at some point. The most common problems are bleeding and inflammation, both a sign that the teeth and gums need better care.

Gum disease causes

Gum inflammation or gingivitis occurs when plaque forms on teeth - a film of bacteria adhesion and food debris. If you don't remove it regularly, plaque quickly gathers at the edge of the gums, where the teeth join the gums, gradually forming hard deposits of tartar. They irritate and inflame the gum, giving it a swollen and red appearance, and making it bleed when you brush your teeth. Untreated gingivitis can damage the tissues that fixate the teeth into the jaw, allowing tooth movement. If you ignore the problem, you risk remaining toothless at some point.

The gums also bleed due to poor nutrition and especially from a lack of vitamin C and plant pigments, called flavonoids. And also some blood diseases can cause abnormal gum bleeding when you eat hard things or brush your teeth. Another possible cause of gingivitis is allergy to certain chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate, which is found in toothpaste. Left untreated, a gum disease creates the risk of heart attack, apoplexy and premature birth.

Tooth abscess

Consists of painful swellings erupted from the gum. Most of the time it's the result of a poor oral hygiene or a tooth or gum disease. It can be treated by rinsing your mouth with salt water and taking a vitamin C supplement (1000 mg) with flavonoids. And don't forget, you have to go to the dentist as soon as possible!

Gum disease prevention

Brush and floss daily to remove tartar. Eat lots of fruits rich in vitamin C and flavonoids (raw, red and orange vegetables and fruits), as well as aliments rich in calcium and other minerals. Reduce consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as aliments that contain white flower and sugar. Brush your teeth carefully after eating these products. Chewing sugarless gum or eating raw, hard vegetables and fruits, such as celery or apple, protects the teeth and gums when you can't immediately brush after a meal. Go to the dentist for a checkup and plaque removal every 6 months.

Gum disease treatment

Pantry medicine

After you brush your teeth, gently massage your gums with the tip of your finger. Then, rinse your mouth with cold, black tea; the tannins from the tea acts as an astringent and reduces bleeding. Mix sodium bicarbonate with a little hydrogen peroxide to obtain a toothpaste with excellent antiseptic properties. (Ask your dentist how often should you use it.)

Find out more details and useful information, as well as other natural remedies that will help different physical and mental illnesses.

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Periodontitis Treatment at Home - Best Periodontitis Treatment